Here are a few ideas for using your Anamalgam Cards:

  1. Assessing Who Showed Up:
    • Anamalgam cards can be used to help our clients express how they are feeling. Often a prompt that we use when facilitating with these cards is: “Select a card that represents how you are feeling today.”
  2. Pairing up Group Members:
    • Once people have picked a card that represents them, have participants “mingle” around and show off their card. Instruct participants to find someone else who has a similar type of animal. Depending on the group, they may benefit from the hint that all the cards have something in common – they are made up!
  3. Expressing Emotions:
    • These cards were selected intentionally to represent a variety of emotions, and in some cases to bring up different emotional states. Below are a few different prompts that work well for this:
      • “Which of the following cards represent how you are feeling right now?”
      • “What emotions come up when you look at these animals?”
      • “What feelings come up when we flip through these cards? Identify one per card.
  4. Conversation Starter:
    • What would the text say if you were to make your card into a meme?
  5. Debriefing:
    • Select an animal that represents both your successes and struggles with that activity. Which animal represents which, and why?
      • Alternatively, participants can select two cards, one for struggle, and one for success.