Facilitation Tools

We provide facilitation tools for adventure therapists, experiential educators and teachers. Check them out below.

Anamalgam Hybrid Animal Processing Cards

An AMalgam Animal Game

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The anamalgam hybrid animal processing cards are one of our favorite processing tools, and now we are making them available to you!  Every card has a unique hybrid creature that looks like something you could see in the wild!  You’ll experience a wide range of reactions to each critter, but this deck is guaranteed to bring some smiles and laughs into your facilitation! This card deck contains 54 hybrid animal cards in a durable box.  Cards are 4.75″ x 2.75″ in size.  Art by Sarah DeRemer and (a few) by Nick Magle-Haberek.

Awesome Facilitation Tool!

I have gotten SO. MUCH. Mileage out of the buzzword cards already, oh my god… even though I’ve only had them for a short time, they’ve earned a permanent spot in the bag of supplies I bring to every group therapy session

Alex F.
Buzzword Beta Tester

Buzzword Cards


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Transform your facilitation sessions with Buzzword Cards—a dynamic tool designed for teachers, educators, and therapists to deepen discussions and encourage meaningful reflection. One deck of Buzzword Cards contains 48 cards. Each card in this set presents an important concept, paired with a clear definition, example behaviors, and an insightful question to inspire thoughtful engagement. Whether you’re setting group goals, establishing norms, or processing an experience, Buzzword Cards provide a structured yet flexible approach to facilitation. Printed on durable and waterproof plastic card stock, Buzzword Cards will stand up to years of outdoor use.  Use a ‘wet-erase’ marker to allow note taking and check marks next to example behaviors, and these cards can be used to highlight the behaviors that are showing up in groups or individual participation. Take exploration a step further with our integrated QR codes, linking each card to an online hub with additional resources—like expanded questions, thought-provoking quotes, and other resources. Buzzword Cards bring intentional focus to every session, helping your group reach new depths of understanding, cooperation, and growth.