Logistical Considerations for Adventure Therapy: Nutrition, Hygiene, Med Management, Facilities, Transportation and Others

Logistical Considerations for Adventure Therapy: Nutrition, Hygiene, Med Management, Facilities, Transportation and Others

Logistical Considerations for Adventure Therapy: Nutrition, Hygiene, Med Management, Facilities, Transportation and Others


We are often excited about the opportunity to engage clients in adventure activities, but it can be easy to forget some of the logistics that come with this! In this training, we will cover expectations regarding a variety of areas of client care, including nutrition, hydration, hygiene, communicable disease, medication management, transportation, and others. We will explore industry standards in the adventure field and how they apply in clinical settings.

Content Outline:

  • Nutrition and water
  • Medication management
  • Hygiene and communicable disease
  • Transportation
  • Facilities and program area use